Library World

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Library World is the place where all stories begin, and is sustained by hopes and dreams of people who read those stories in the real world. The more a story is loved by the readers, the larger its island grows in the Library World and its characters exert stronger influence.

All stories appear and vanish in the form of story islands, each repeating cycle creating a slightly renewed version of the previous story as time goes by.


Beyond the vast sea of clouds lie Story Islands, the home to many tales passed down through the ages. They call it the Library World. The stories are recorded in the 'Archives of the Library World' so that the original contents are not lost or forgotten.

Little do we know, when a story comes to an end and the book is closed, its characters return to their birthplaces to begin anew.

To create stories for people to cherish even more.

the characters stop by the Library World to prepare themselves for the next versions of their stories that change according to the flow of time.

...Until a great anomaly swallowed the Library World.

Recently the characters were not able to return to their stories, making the world experience a technological revolution and to restore it to its original state, Smash Legends was born.

Story Islands

The Story Islands are iconic places found in the stories. Many characters from the stories still live in their Story Islands, but there are others that have moved on.

Due to the problem that Library World is facing, numerous Story Islands started to dissapear, and the citizens started to be evacuated by 7D Company.

List of Story Islands

7D's Cottage

Ali Baba Island


Synop City


Synop City is a town located in the center of Library World, it is like the capital of Library World.

Synop City has been situated at the heart of the Library World ever since the beginning, and no one can determine its exact origin. Some say the City itself is another story island while others claim it to be the axis around which the Library World was formed. There are also those who believe it as an artificial construct built by one of the Sages in a manner similar to how the Sage Council seated atop the pinnacle of the City came to be, but the truth remains undiscovered. In the beginning, Synop City bore a resemblance to a medieval city, but the anomaly that appeared in the Library World brought stagnation and eventually development, leading the City to transform into a sprawling urban area. The City took on a form of a multi-layered metropolis, dividing itself into different sections and going through redevelopment.

The citizens of the city have organized themselves into a self-governing body and a vigilante group called H.U.N.N.T., to take matters into their own hands and stop Umbra and other criminal organizations that were appearing in Library World.

Synop City, which is also the venue of Smash Legends, serves as both the administrative and commercial hub of the Library World and is divided into four levels:


The topmost section (or City Summit) of Synop City contains a special area reserved for the Sage Council and inaccessible to the general public. Most of the decision-making in Synop City is done here.

The top section (or Uppercity) it is where daily activities are taken and corporate offices line its streets. It was initially planned to house the increased number of story characters, but it eventually gave way to capitalism and now only the wealthy among them are settled here.

The middle section (or Lowercity) is the largest area of Synop City where factories and residences for most of the characters are located.

The lower level (or Undercity) is a new area originally planned for waste disposal and other unattractive works done in Synop City. Now these parts are little more than a slum populated by Lowercity outcasts and those who are unable to live among the common populace whether due to their villain roles in their stories or other reasons. It also where Umbra’s main lair is located.

Old Town

Old Town is a district where characters from stories with the Middle Ages background live together.


Xanadu is the region that contains Asian stories. It is a place where the past and the future co-exist. It is the most crowded and busiest place. Antique homes and skyscrapers reside together.

One Thousand and One Houses

One Thousand and One Houses is literally a place of 1,001 houses.


Librorium Prohibitorum

Librorium Prohibitorum is a prison in Synop City, where criminals captured by H.U.N.N.T. or vigilantes are sent.


  • Prior to Season 12, the Asia region was called "Peach Blossom Garden", it was later changed to Xanadu.
  • One Thousand and One Houses it's a reference to the Arabian Nights, and where its characters are located.