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Competitive are competitive matches based on the main gamemode of SMASH LEGENDS.

About Competitive

Competitive incorporates a ranking where you compete with other players for Ranking Points and a draft pick system, where each team takes turns selecting Legends with no same Legend on the same team.

You can enter Competitive Matches by meeting the criteria below:

  • Have a Smasher Level of 15 or higher
  • Own 6 or more Legends of level 5 or higher
  • Not in a party if Master or Legendary Rank

Draft Pick Phase


Maps are selected randomly before matches begin. The selected map is displayed on screen. Then Players take turns to pick Legends in a given order and cannot select a previously picked Legend. Once your turn arrives, you can pick a desired Legend to play and press the Select button located at the center of the screen.

You can switch out your Legend’s Abilities and Enchantments for different ones. This can also be performed in the loading screen.


Disconnecting before the game starts or during gameplay results in penalties:

  • 1 or more disconnects: Excluded from matchmaking for 5 minutes
  • 3 or more disconnects: Excluded from matchmaking for 10 minutes, -30 tier points
  • 5 or more disconnects: Excluded from matchmaking for 30 minutes, -100 tier points
  • 10 or more disconnects: Excluded from matchmaking for 60 minutes, -100 tier points


Competitive Match incorporates tiers which you can climb by winning. Tier ranks can be viewed in-game, allowing players to show off their skill levels worldwide.

Based on tier points, tier progresses through Bronze 3 → Bronze 2 → Bronze 1 → Silver 3 → Silver 2 → Silver 1 → Gold 3 → Gold 2 → Gold 1 → Platinum 3 → Platinum 2 → Platinum 1 → Diamond 2 → Diamond 1 → Master.

Winning increases your tier points, affected by whether you are the MVP for that match. Also, the amount of tier points you receive may vary by tiers. Losing decreases your tier points.

The top 100 players in the Master tier will be promoted to the Legendary tier. However, if there are not enough players in the Master tier at the beginning of the season, the number of Legendary tier players may be less than 100.

The daily promotion to the Legendary tier takes place at 16:00 KST.

Bronze1.png Bronze2.png Bronze3.png
Bronze 3 Bronze 2 Bronze 1
Silver1.png Silver2.png Silver3.png
Silver 3 Silver 2 Silver 1
GoldRank1.png GoldRank2.png GoldRank3.png
Gold 3 Gold 2 Gold 1
PlatinumRank1.png PlatinumRank2.png PlatinumRank3.png
Platinum 3 Platinum 2 Platinum 1
DiamondRank1.png DiamondRank2.png
Diamond 2 Diamond 1

Tier Rewards

Seasonal Rewards

At the end of each season, you are rewarded based on your tier.

You can earn Profile icons by playing a set number of Competitive Matches during each season.

Reaching certain tiers in a Competitive Match season gives you a tier-exclusive Profile frame that can be used throughout next season.

Daily Rewards

A fixed amount of credits will be rewarded daily depending of the tier reached.

Tier Credit
Bronze 3 Credit.png300
Bronze 2 Credit.png350
Bronze 1 Credit.png400
Silver 3 Credit.png500
Silver 2 Credit.png550
Silver 1 Credit.png600
Gold 3 Credit.png700
Gold 2 Credit.png750
Gold 1 Credit.png800
Platinum 3 Credit.png900
Platinum 2 Credit.png950
Platinum 1 Credit.png1000
Diamond 2 Credit.png1100
Diamond 1 Credit.png1150
Master Credit.png1300
Legendary Credit.png1500


  • In the Version 2.4 the main mode was replaced from Dominion to Team Touchdown in order of having a richer competitive experience.
    • It then got changed back to Dominion after some months and, after some time, Team Touchdown got completely removed from the game.
  • After [2.51], the daily Tier Rewards got removed for a future upcoming reneweal.