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(A Long List of Nerdy Stuff) - Kellin

This page is meant to serve as a partner to TTS, and helps to elaborate on some of the finer details that are otherwise not contained within TTS.


Sliding Ultimates

Some characters, due to the nature of their ultimates, are capable of performing what is known as a "Sliding Ultimate" (named as such after the infamous "Sliding Cat" technique). To perform this technique, simply press the Ultimate button while in the middle of an attack, skill, or other motion which carries some form of vertical or horizontal momentum. If performed correctly, the character will continue to move in the original direction while simultaneously casting their ultimate.

[1] As far as is currently understood, the conditions for a character having a Sliding Ultimate are (mostly) as follows:

  • The character has some attack that carries horizontal or vertical motion
  • The character's ultimate doesn't carry its own initial momentum
  • The ultimate doesn't cause the character to freeze in place

The full list of characters that are known to be capable of performing a Sliding Ultimate are as follows:

  • Master Cat
    • Activate his ultimate while midway through the animation of his ground skill, while he is still on the ground. Done properly, this will cause Master Cat to slide forward a fair distance while casting his ultimate.
  • Ali
    • Activate his ultimate while moving forward on the animation of his ground attacks. Done properly, this will cause Ali to slide forward a bit while casting his ultimate.
  • Brick
    • Activate ultimate while moving forward during his ground attack or in the landing animation of his aerial skill. Both versions will cause Brick to slide forward a bit while casting his ultimate, though the ground attack version will cause him to move further.
  • Ducky and Swan
    • (As Ducky) Activate Ultimate while moving forward during her ground attack. So long as her next Ultimate doesn't cause a transformation into Swan, this will cause her to slide forward a little bit while charging.
  • Goldie
    • Activate her ultimate while sliding forward with her ground attacks or skill. Done properly, this will cause Goldie to slide forward a little while casting her ultimate.
  • Kaiser
    • Activate his ultimate while sliding forward with his ground skill. Done properly, this will cause Kaiser to slide forward while casting his ultimate.
  • Kurenai
    • Activate his ultimate while moving forward with either his ground or Aerial Skill. Done properly, this will cause him to slide forward a little while casting his ultimate.
  • Loren and Vex
    • Activate ultimate while at the peak of her ground skill, while she's still moving with upwards velocity. Done properly, this will cause her to hop upwards will casting her ultimate, and allow her to keep her jump.
  • Marina
    • Activate her ultimate while midway through the "popup" animation of either her grounded skill or ledge get-up attack, which will cause her to gain some extra upward momentum on her first jump.
  • Molly
    • Activate her ultimate while midway through her aerial skill, which will cause her to travel briefly upwards while activating her ultimate.
  • Octavia
    • Activate her ultimate while midway through the animation of her ground attack, which will cause her to slide briefly forward while activating her ultimate.
  • Parfait
    • When her ultimate is charged, activate her ultimate while midway through the animation of her ground skill (before her scythe hits the ground). Done properly, this will cause her to slide forward while casting her ultimate.
  • Pinocchio
    • Activate his ultimate while moving forward with ground skill or ground attack, which will cause him to move forward a tiny amount while casting his ultimate.
  • Ravi
    • Activate his ultimate while moving upward with the third move of his GAC, while he is mid-hop. This will cause him to move up a bit while casting his ultimate.
  • Victor
    • Activate his ultimate while moving forward with his Aerial Skill. This will cause him to slide forward while casting his ultimate.
  • Wukong
    • Activate his ultimate midway through the animation of the second part of his GAC, which will cause him to slide forward a little while casting his ultimate.

The Slippy Ledge

Some maps, such as the Noon variant of Rapunzel's Broken Tower, have little protrusions on the edge. These protrusions are notoriously "slippery," owing to how often characters will tend to slip around on them while using attacks or other movements. A number of mechanics have been attributed to this phenomenon, most notably the "Walking Fire" and "Grounded Aerial."

Walking Fire

If a character uses a freezing grounded attack (an attack which causes them to freeze in place while casting the attack) or skill while sliding off of the inner side of a slippy ledge, some of that momentum will be retained, causing them to slide towards the inner stage while casting the attack. Such attacks include the following:

Grounded Aerial

Swan's Self-Destruct

If Swan is summoned when Ducky is standing very close or else directly above the outer edge of a Slippy Ledge, the downward momentum of her summoning animation will cause her to simply skid off the slope and into the lower Death Zone without ever grabbing the ledge.


  1. The following information was based on an explanation by Reddit user WatercressAgile8817, and is used here with their permission