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Marina is a Tank Legend.


Teetering between existence and non existence, Marina the mermaid, who suffers from amnesia, was discovered by H.U.N.N.T.. She developed a certain special capabilities due to being put through painful experiments by Umbra. She wears a specialized suit to keep her powers in check. Leaving behind her powerlessness in the past, Marina joins H.U.N.N.T as an agent and fights to stop Umbra.


All Stats shown are calculated without any Engraving.
UI Range.png

Attack range

UI Health.png

Health Points

UI Speed.png

Movement Speed

Short 4326 Normal
Passive Ability

This Legend has no Passive Abilities.

Mermaid Tail
Hit Count: 3
Swings her elastic tail, dealing a total of 618 damage to an opponent. If last hit connects, Marina will jump lightly into the air.
If used as Aerial Skill, swings her tail around her, dealing 309 damage.

float= left
Phase Shift
Skill CD: 5s
Marina shifts her phase and moves in an StatusInvincible.pngInvincible state. Once the duration ends or if an opponent makes contact with Marina, she will pop out, dealing 618 damage.
If used as Aerial Skill, she will land and slide, dealing 515 damage to the opponent she collides with.

float= left
Marina Special
Charge Speed: Very slow
Marina leaps up twice, dealing damage where she lands.
First landing deals 515 damage, and second landing deals 618 damage.

No "LedgeDesc" value inserted (yet)

No "GetupDesc" value inserted (yet)


All stats are shown at Max Level (5)

MarinaAbility1.png Cheer

Restores 8% HP for each opponent hit by Ultimate’s landing attack.

MarinaAbility2.png Consecutive Action
Decreases Skill Cooldown by 1s every time an opponent is hit by Skill Attack.

MarinaAbility3.png Mermaid's Song
Increases Movement Speed by 7%.
When using as Ground Skill, creates a waterflow on her path that persists for 1 seconds. Increases Movement Speed of teammates that follow the waterflow by 16%.

MarinaAbility4.png Windup
Hitting an opponent with last hit of Ground Attack grants 12% Ultimate Gauge.

MarinaAbility5.png Encore!
Increases Ultimate damage by 16%.
Leaps one more time when using Ultimate. Third leap attack deals 700 damage when Marina is Level 1.

Legend Road

Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
Mastery.png 0 5 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 900 1000
Skin Respected Elite.png
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Profile Picture


  • Icon Marina.png Marina can swim through objects, but she says she’s never swum in the ocean before.
  • Icon Marina.png Marina is a very proud H.U.N.N.T. agent.
  • Perhaps due to Umbra's experiments, Icon Marina.png Marina lost all her previous memories.
  • Icon Marina.png Marina’s suit and tail are special equipment that H.U.N.N.T’s science team developed for her.
  • Icon Marina.png Marina has trouble controlling her abilities and frequently finds herself stuck inside floors and walls without her suit.
  • Icon Marina.png Marina trains when she’s off duty. A necessity if she wants to stay an elite.
  • Icon Rapunzel.png Rapunzel and H.U.N.N.T.U.R formed a cooperative relationship to stop Umbra.
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia requests to see Marina several times, but Icon Marina.png Marina declines each time.


Icon Witch Queen.png Witch Queen “Witch Queen, you are under arrest!”
The leader of Umbra and the ultimate goal of HUNNT. As Witch Queen is a target, Marina is hostile and has a sense of duty to arrest her, but honestly, she is less hostile than Madame Lettuce. Even from the Witch Queen's point of view, she has bad feelings toward HUNNT, who keeps interfering with her plans.
Icon Octavia.png Octavia “I am not the person you knew. So leave me alone!”
A person who knows Marina in her past life. It seems like they were close, and she feels sorry for herself for losing her memories, but from Marina's perspective, it's just a past that she has no regrets and doesn't want to return to. Perhaps because of that, or because Octavia is a member of 7D, she unknowingly reacts more angrily.
Icon Rapunzel.png Rapunzel “How about you join HUNNT now?”
She's a freelancer. Rapunzel saw Marina a few times while tracking and confronting Umbra. It was immediately apparent that they were both test subjects from the same Umbra. Although we are not directly cooperating, they share the same goals and encounter each other often, so there is an internal sense of closeness to each other.
Icon Rambert.png Rambert “I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Rambert!”
A Freelance bounty hunter. Although he is not a member of HUNNT, she heard a lot about Rambert's story through 'Cowboys Who Passed By'. He wants to scout for HUNNT, but Rambert is not very interested in targeting only Umbra.
Icon Kurenai.png Kurenai “Civilians, please leave the scene!”
A member of the Synop City's Vigilante group. From the perspective of HUNNT, who originally maintained security in Library World, the vigilantes were allies, but at the same time, they were not comfortable opponents because they took over their role. That's why Marina doesn't like Kurenai that much. Kurenai is hated, so of course he is sad. Sobbing.


  • Marina was first mentioned in the chapter "Meanwhile, outside the arena (2)" of the Novels.



MeleeIcon.png Card2 Ducky and Swan.png Card2 Molly.png Card2 Parfait.png Card2 Peter.png Card2 Rapunzel.png Card2 Wukong.png Card2 Zeppetta.png
MarksmanIcon.png Card2 Flare.png Card2 Gumi.png Card2 Hook.png Card2 Madam Lettuce.png Card2 Robin.png Card2 Rambert.png
AoE DPSIcon.png Card2 Aoi.png Card2 Jack O'.png Card2 Nui.png Card2 Pinocchio.png Card2 Ravi.png Card2 Victor.png
AssassinIcon.png Card2 Ali.png Card2 Javert.png Card2 Kurenai.png Card2 Master Cat.png Card2 Red.png Card2 Snow.png Card2 Wolfgang.png
ControllerIcon.png Card2 Alice.png Card2 Briar.png Card2 Brick.png Card2 Loren and Vex.png Card2 Narsha.png Card2 Octavia.png Card2 Witch Queen.png
TankIcon.png Card2 Cindy.png Card2 Don Quixote.png Card2 Kaiser.png Card2 Marina.png Card2 Maya.png Card2 Timun.png Card2 Yong Yong.png