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Peter is a Fighter Legend.


A boy with a strange hooked sword. In the past, he defeated the notorious pirate Hook countless times. But after leaving Neverland, he is overwhelmed because things have changed. He can’t fly nor is his companion with him anymore. He is now working hard to prove his worth.


All Stats shown are calculated without any Engraving.
UI Range.png

Attack range

UI Health.png

Health Points

UI Speed.png

Movement Speed

Normal 4000 Normal
Passive Ability

This Legend has no Passive Abilities.

Heavy Swing
Hit Count: 3
Swings forward with the hooked sword, dealing 600 damage.
Attacks foes in front once when used as Aerial Skill, dealing 350 damage.

float= left
One Step Forward
Skill CD: 3.5s
Swings the sword horizontally to attack a wide range, dealing 900 damage.
Slams the ground when used as Aerial Skill, dealing 650 damage.

float= left
Whirldwind of Neverland
Charge Speed: Slow
Spins like a vortex and charges forward, attacking all foes in path, dealing total of 1500 damage.

Swings his sword in front, dealing 350 damage while allowing him to get back on the arena.

Swings his sword fully around him, dealing 350 damage while getting up.


All stats are shown at Max Level (5)

NewPeterAbility1.png Perseverance Strike

When no attack has been used for 2s, the next attack deals 30% more damage.

NewPeterAbility2.png Heavy Sword
Ground Skill pushes opponents back 28% further.

NewPeterAbility3.png Swift Moves
Increases Movement Speed by 60% for 4s after reviving.

NewPeterAbility4.png Flexible Blade
Increases directional control by 300% during Ultimate.

NewPeterAbility5.png Earth Roaring Sword
Now, the Aerial Skill's shockwave pulls opponents in Peter's direction. Deals 250 damage when Peter is Level 1.

Legend Road

Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
Mastery.png 0 5 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 900 1000
Paid Skin
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Profile Picture


  • Icon Peter.png Peter is one of the few Legends to have a 1 Frame long StatusInvincible.pngInvincible status when using his Air Basic near the ground.

In-Game Tips

  • Icon Peter.png Peter's original weapon used to be a small and worn dagger.
  • The original owner of Icon Peter.png Peter's Hooked sword was Icon Hook.png Hook.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter sleeps near the park in Synop City.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter's home is a castle made of cardboards.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter participated in Smash Legends to return to Neverland.
  • Unfortunately, Icon Peter.png Peter lost the ability to fly after parting with Tinkerbell and her pixie dust.
  • Icon Cindy.png Cindy was the one who sewed the smile on Icon Peter.png Peter's left shoulder.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter was once a member of Kaiser GYM.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter was trained by Icon Master Cat.png Master Cat before joining Smash Legends.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter's idol is the hero of justice, Icon Swan.png Swan.
  • After leaving Neverland, Icon Peter.png Peter's goal was to prove himself.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter is grateful for his friend Icon Cindy.png Cindy, who looked after him even when he acted recklessly.
  • Icon Peter.png Peter usually spends his time helping Icon Ducky.png Ducky clean the park, who shares her lunch with him.


Icon Snow.png Snow “See, Snow? I’m stronger now!”
Peter and Snow were the best of friends. But they had a falling out after Peter tried to stop Snow from entering Smash Legends. Knowing that Snow's refusal was out of concern, Peter now wants to prove to Snow that he no longer needs to be concerned about him.
Icon Cindy.png Cindy “C-Cindy? Long time... no see?”
Cindy has taken care of Peter since they became friends, and he is grateful to her. Peter once envied Cindy who had a mysterious magic helper. But while he was away training under Master Cat, he realized that strength was achieved by Cindy herself.
Icon Master Cat.png Master Cat “Master! I wonder where he’s gone off now?”
The cat appeared out of nowhere and began pointing out Peter's poor sword skills. After undergoing rigorous training under Master Cat, Peter soon found himself addressing him as Master. While being taught by Master Cat, Peter underwent a significant inner transformation.
Icon Red.png Red “Hey kiddo! You’re not fooling me this time!”
Peter was once in hot water after falling for one of Red's pranks. When they meet, they argue about trivial matters.




MeleeIcon.png Card2 Ducky and Swan.png Card2 Molly.png Card2 Parfait.png Card2 Peter.png Card2 Rapunzel.png Card2 Wukong.png Card2 Zeppetta.png
MarksmanIcon.png Card2 Flare.png Card2 Gumi.png Card2 Hook.png Card2 Madam Lettuce.png Card2 Robin.png Card2 Rambert.png
AoE DPSIcon.png Card2 Aoi.png Card2 Jack O'.png Card2 Nui.png Card2 Pinocchio.png Card2 Ravi.png Card2 Victor.png
AssassinIcon.png Card2 Ali.png Card2 Javert.png Card2 Kurenai.png Card2 Master Cat.png Card2 Red.png Card2 Snow.png Card2 Wolfgang.png
ControllerIcon.png Card2 Alice.png Card2 Briar.png Card2 Brick.png Card2 Loren and Vex.png Card2 Narsha.png Card2 Octavia.png Card2 Witch Queen.png
TankIcon.png Card2 Cindy.png Card2 Don Quixote.png Card2 Kaiser.png Card2 Marina.png Card2 Maya.png Card2 Timun.png Card2 Yong Yong.png