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Voice Lines

Octavia is a Controller Legend.


A kind Sea Witch, and a member of the Sage Council. Although she played the role of a villain in her stories, she is actually a kind witch who is very sympathetic and sweet. Even now, she is working with 7D to stop the evil Umbra. Based off of all of the healing researches she has carried out, Octavia is able to heal any wounds in a blink of an eye.


All Stats shown are calculated without any Engraving.
UI Range.png

Attack range

UI Health.png

Health Points

UI Speed.png

Movement Speed

Normal 4326 Normal
Passive Ability

Hitting Air Basic, Air Skill or the last hit of Ground Basic grants Octavia 10% Movement Speed for 1.5s

Bubble Cannon
Hit Count: 3
Swings the staff twice to attack the opponents in front, then steps back while firing 2 water bombs to deal a total of 721 damage.
Swings the staff down to deal 361 damage when used as Aerial Skill.

float= left
Wave Crescendo
Skill CD: 5s
Slam the staff into the ground to summon waves. The summoned waves grow bigger over time to then disappear, dealing 618 damage.
When used as Aerial Skill, the water will quickly protect Octavia and explode to deal 464 damage.

float= left
Healing Aria
Charge Speed: Fast
Throws a massive bubble. The bubble explodes upon hitting the ground and heals allies for 979 HP and deals 618 damage to opponents.

No "LedgeDesc" value inserted (yet)

No "GetupDesc" value inserted (yet)


All stats are shown at Max Level (5)

OctaviaAbility1.png Reinforced Beaker

Increases Basic Attack damage by 50%.

OctaviaAbility2.png Allegro
Increases base Movement Speed by 6%, and decreases Skill cooldown by 0.66s for every successful Basic Attack against an opponent.

OctaviaAbility3.png Adagio
Adds the ability to heal 7% HP for allies upon using Aerial Skills.

OctaviaAbility4.png Leggiero
Decreases Ultimate gauge by 24%.

OctaviaAbility5.png Ocean’s Blessing
When using Ultimate, a puddle is created where the water droplet explodes. Team members within the puddle are healed for 200HP/s when Octavia is Level 1. The puddle lasts for 3.8s.

Legend Road

Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
Mastery.png 0 5 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 900 1000
Skin Savior of Ocean.png
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Profile Picture


  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia loves to sing. Huh? You already knew?
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia is considered as the head of the doves within the 'Sage Council'.
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia counsels for Icon Snow.png Snow because she is worried about his physical and mental health from his overworking schedule.
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia always nags at Icon Robin.png Robin when she meets him, so Icon Robin.png Robin tries to avoid Icon Octavia.png Octavia.
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia saved Icon Hook.png Hook in the past as well. Are they friends?
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia and 7D, Icon Snow.png Snow's Master, are long-time rivals. Even though they are working together now.
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia once joined the 'Dark Moon Witches' by accepting the invitation from the Icon Witch Queen.png Witch Queen.
  • Icon Octavia.png Octavia holds operas where she plays the main lead, at her own expense.


Icon Snow.png Snow “Snow! Were you up all night again? I keep telling you! You need to eat and sleep well!”
The CEO of the company and her counselling patient. In his story, and even in Library World, he is destined to fight his sister. On top of that, his hands are tied with running the company. She’s very sympathetic to the burden he has to carry, and tries her best to lessen that.
Icon Nui.png Nui “Oh my! You’re such a sweetie Nui! Want some candy?”
A girl who shares similar goals as her, as part of the Sage Council. She wants to help her find the one solution that everyone will be able to agree upon. She’s also interested in the power of the sun that may contribute to her medical research.
Icon Alice.png Alice “This thesis has been very interesting as well! You’re such a smart girl Alice!”
As fellow famous scientists, they operate on the same fequency. If Alice is a prodigy, Octavia is more of a dedicated veteran. They share research material and cooperate on their work.
Icon Witch Queen.png Witch Queen “Just because you’ve taken on the role of a villain, doesn’t mean you have to be one.”
A villain that has tried to recruit her. After exchanging words, they’ve come to a mutual understanding of wanting to change fate. But she works to stop the Witch Queen, as she feels that her methods are wrong.




MeleeIcon.png Card2 Ducky and Swan.png Card2 Molly.png Card2 Parfait.png Card2 Peter.png Card2 Rapunzel.png Card2 Wukong.png Card2 Zeppetta.png
MarksmanIcon.png Card2 Flare.png Card2 Gumi.png Card2 Hook.png Card2 Madam Lettuce.png Card2 Robin.png Card2 Rambert.png
AoE DPSIcon.png Card2 Aoi.png Card2 Jack O'.png Card2 Nui.png Card2 Pinocchio.png Card2 Ravi.png Card2 Victor.png
AssassinIcon.png Card2 Ali.png Card2 Javert.png Card2 Kurenai.png Card2 Master Cat.png Card2 Red.png Card2 Snow.png Card2 Wolfgang.png
ControllerIcon.png Card2 Alice.png Card2 Briar.png Card2 Brick.png Card2 Loren and Vex.png Card2 Narsha.png Card2 Octavia.png Card2 Witch Queen.png
TankIcon.png Card2 Cindy.png Card2 Don Quixote.png Card2 Kaiser.png Card2 Marina.png Card2 Maya.png Card2 Timun.png Card2 Yong Yong.png