Loren and Vex

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Voice Lines

Loren and Vex are a Controller Legend.


Loren, a ballerina doll who lived inside a cabinet cut off from the outside world, is given a fresh start in life after meeting the one-legged toy soldier, Vex. Now, Loren and her lover Vex plan to live a new life in Library World.


All Stats shown are calculated without any Engraving.
UI Range.png

Attack range

UI Health.png

Health Points

UI Speed.png

Movement Speed

Normal 3811 Normal
Passive Ability

This Legend has no Passive Abilities.

Tour Jeté
Hit Count: 2
Deals 618 damage with her strong legs.
When used as an Aerial Skill, she slams down on the ground to deal 309 damage, then uses the recoil to go back up in the air for another strike.

float= left
Split Jump
Skill CD: 3s
Jumps briefly into the air, splitting her legs and striking down to deal 773 damage.
When used as an Aerial Skill, she does a quick spin that deals 464 damage.

float= left
Pas de Deux
Charge Speed: Fast
Summons her lover, Vex. Vex fires his gun and deals 515 damage.
If Loren is within Vex's Attack range, he gets an Attack Speed boost and 70% damage decrease.
If Loren summons Vex to another location, the former Vex will explode, dealing 1030 damage before disappearing.
If Loren is Smashed, Vex will also disappear.

No "LedgeDesc" value inserted (yet)

No "GetupDesc" value inserted (yet)


All stats are shown at Max Level (5)

LorenAbility1.png Solo Stage

Increases Loren attack by 45%, but also increases Ultimate Gauge by 50%.

LorenAbility2.png Air Waltz
Aerial Attack damage increases by 45% for every successful Aerial Attack on the opponent.
Lasts for 2s and successful attacks will reset the duration.

LorenAbility3.png Step Up
Decreases Skill Cooldown by 0.6s every time an opponent is hit by Basic Attack.

LorenAbility4.png Bodyguard
Begins the match with 50% of Ultimate gauge charged (This does not activate upon revival).
Vex now appears with an explosion that deals 600 damage and reduces Movement Speed by 20% for 2 seconds.

LorenAbility5.png One Body and Spirit
Smashing an opposing Legend grants 45% Ultimate Gauge and heals 15% of Loren's HP.

Legend Road

Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
Mastery.png 0 5 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 900 1000
Skin Duo of Hope.png
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Profile Picture


  • Icon Loren.png Loren's heart is imbedded with brass from Icon Vex.png Vex's body.
  • Only Icon Loren.png Loren can hear Icon Vex.png Vex's voice.
  • Icon Jack O'.png Jack O' has once proposed an exclusive contract to Icon Loren.png Loren with a 9:1 cut. Thankfully, Icon Robin.png Robin stepped in and stopped her from signing.
  • Icon Loren.png Loren's legs exemplify Rabbit Company's cutting-edge materials and technology.
  • Icon Vex.png Vex will jump into a pit of fire for Icon Loren.png Loren. He actually did, though.
  • Icon Loren.png Loren thinks of Smash Legends as a new stage for her to perform on.
  • Icon Loren.png Loren and Icon Vex.png Vex consider Icon Robin.png Robin to be the ideal salaryman.


Icon Maya.png Maya “To control such a wonderful robot! Amazing!"
Maya especially likes her because she accepts and praises the arrogant Maya as she is. While Maya is envious of Loren and Vex, who are lovers, she longs for herself to be in a relationship with Kaiser someday.
Icon Kaiser.png Kaiser “Thank you for the recommendation, but i don’t need to take care of my body separately.”
Seeing Loren dancing beautifully, he is interested in her body, which has developed in a different direction than his own or Cindy's. However, because Loren's legs are made of specially designed metal by Alice, her application to the Kaiser GYM is denied.
Icon Goldie.png Goldie “When will we perform together again!”
One day, Loren liked Goldie's street performance and danced to it, and this improvised performance was remembered by many. Maybe because Loren accepts Goldie's selfish personality innocently, Goldie also softens a little against Loren.
Icon Alice.png Alice “This toy has pretty lights! yes? You're not supposed to throw it carelessly?"
Alice was interested in Loren and Vex, who came to the lab, and helped them adapt to the Library World. Although she seems to want to study Vex, who is in a soul state on the inside. It was Alice who told her that Write-O'-Light was the way to restore Vex's body back to normal.




MeleeIcon.png Card2 Ducky and Swan.png Card2 Molly.png Card2 Parfait.png Card2 Peter.png Card2 Rapunzel.png Card2 Wukong.png Card2 Zeppetta.png
MarksmanIcon.png Card2 Flare.png Card2 Gumi.png Card2 Hook.png Card2 Madam Lettuce.png Card2 Robin.png Card2 Rambert.png
AoE DPSIcon.png Card2 Aoi.png Card2 Jack O'.png Card2 Nui.png Card2 Pinocchio.png Card2 Ravi.png Card2 Victor.png
AssassinIcon.png Card2 Ali.png Card2 Javert.png Card2 Kurenai.png Card2 Master Cat.png Card2 Red.png Card2 Snow.png Card2 Wolfgang.png
ControllerIcon.png Card2 Alice.png Card2 Briar.png Card2 Brick.png Card2 Loren and Vex.png Card2 Narsha.png Card2 Octavia.png Card2 Witch Queen.png
TankIcon.png Card2 Cindy.png Card2 Don Quixote.png Card2 Kaiser.png Card2 Marina.png Card2 Maya.png Card2 Timun.png Card2 Yong Yong.png

es:Lauren y Vex