Madame Lettuce

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Madame Lettuce is a Specialist Legend.


Madam Lettuce, the head of the Dark Moon Witches, secretly conducted various experiments on characters kidnapped by Umbra to satisfy her lust for knowledge of magic. From her research, she grew an ambition to peer into the “World Beyond Library World.” Not long after, she joined Smash Legends in hopes of furthering her ambitions.


All Stats shown are calculated without any Engraving.
UI Range.png

Attack range

UI Health.png

Health Points

UI Speed.png

Movement Speed

Normal 3600 Normal
Passive Ability

Madame Lettuce has a Stack-Based Ultimate, which requires 5 Essence Stacks to fill.
Only her Skill can refill Essence.

Hit Count: 3
Waves her wand to fire magical projectiles, dealing a total of 800 damage.
When used as Aerial Skill, moves backwards and fires a magical projectile that deals 300 damage.

float= left
Skill CD: 4s
Fires 5 curses that each deal 100 damage.
When used as Aerial Skill, fires 3 curses in front of her instead.
Each successfully landed curse will then transform in 1 Essence.

float= left
Charge Speed: Normal (5 Stacks)
Consumes all Essence to fire a magical sphere that tracks an enemy, speeding up over time. When in contact with an enemy, surface or runs out of time, the sphere explodes dealing 1500 damage.

Uses her staff to hit on the ground in front of her, dealing 350 damage.

Uses her staff to create a shield around her, dealing 350 damage to enemies nearby.


All stats are shown at Max Level (5)

LettuceAbility1.png Pilot Study

Increases Ground Basic Attack damage by 16%. Hitting the last hit of Ground Basic attack grants 1 Essence.

LettuceAbility2.png Positive Feedback
Essence created by Air Skill now also heals. Each Essence will heal for 180HP when Lettuce is level 1.

LettuceAbility3.png Adaptation
Increases damage of all attacks by 16% when not hit for 5s. When hit by an opponent, increases Movement Speed by 8% for 5s.

LettuceAbility4.png Variable Lockdown
Decreases damage received by 80% for 2s when using Ultimate.

LettuceAbility5.png Magnum Opus
Adds 1 Skill Stack, and increases Ground Skill damage by 36%.

Legend Road

Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
500 Credits
Mastery.png 0 5 15 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 900 1000
Skin Seeker of All Knowledge.png
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Ultimate Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Common Ability
Profile Picture


  • Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce is the head researcher of the Dark Moon Witches. To be frank, she’s the one in charge.
  • The Dark Moon Witches are a group of witches from various stories who have banded together to conduct research and experiments.
  • Most of Umbra’s magical techniques were developed by the Dark Moon Witches.
  • Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce loves sweet food. She says that glucose is required for heightened brain activity.
  • Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce actually hates lettuce. She herself thinks it’s ironic.
  • Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce believes that her test subjects will agree to her lofty goals.
  • Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce compares the resistance shown by her test subjects to a child complaining about needles.
  • Icon Zeppetta.png Zeppetta considers Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce a rival, but Icon Madame Lettuce.png Madam Lettuce usually doesn’t even remember who Icon Zeppetta.png Zeppetta is.


Icon Rapunzel.png Rapunzel “I’m glad you still look healthy, my daughter.”
Her adopted daughter. But more than that, Rapunzel was a test subject for Madam Lettuce's research. Although she does not have any affection for her as family, since she is her daughter, Madam Lettuce treats Rapunzel as family. From Rapunzel's point of view, she is Rapunzel's worst enemy, having lied to her all her life and performed painful experiments on her. The fact that Rapunzel is treated like her daughter makes Rapunzel even more angry.
Icon Witch Queen.png Witch Queen “Hehe, I am your loyal subject.”
Witch Queen and subjects. However, rather than one-sided loyalty, it is closer to a contractual relationship where both parties gain something. Madam Lettuce values ​​relationships and rules, so she treats her with deference as a queen, and because she comes from Witch Queen's background, she is used to such relationships, so she fits well. She trusts each other enough to at least not worry about betrayal.
Icon Marina.png Marina “Thanks to you, a lot of progress has been made in research, Miss Marina.”
"A failed experiment. Although we achieved great results in our research to control fate, we overdid it and lost the test subject. I remember it because it was the result of failure, but I don't attach much significance to it. Of course, it meant a lot to Marina."
Icon Victor.png Victor “Ah, Doctor Victor. “I hope to see you someday, not at the stadium but at a seminar.”
Objects of mutual interest. Victor understands Madame Lettuce's research methods and believes that the research results will help create the perfect human being. Madame Lettuce acknowledges Victor's research achievements, but does not think that he is a very interesting research topic.


  • Madam Lettuce was previously known as Madam Letters, before she got her name changed on release. The reason of why this change is unknown.



MeleeIcon.png Card2 Ducky and Swan.png Card2 Molly.png Card2 Parfait.png Card2 Peter.png Card2 Rapunzel.png Card2 Wukong.png Card2 Zeppetta.png
MarksmanIcon.png Card2 Flare.png Card2 Gumi.png Card2 Hook.png Card2 Madam Lettuce.png Card2 Robin.png Card2 Rambert.png
AoE DPSIcon.png Card2 Aoi.png Card2 Jack O'.png Card2 Nui.png Card2 Pinocchio.png Card2 Ravi.png Card2 Victor.png
AssassinIcon.png Card2 Ali.png Card2 Javert.png Card2 Kurenai.png Card2 Master Cat.png Card2 Red.png Card2 Snow.png Card2 Wolfgang.png
ControllerIcon.png Card2 Alice.png Card2 Briar.png Card2 Brick.png Card2 Loren and Vex.png Card2 Narsha.png Card2 Octavia.png Card2 Witch Queen.png
TankIcon.png Card2 Cindy.png Card2 Don Quixote.png Card2 Kaiser.png Card2 Marina.png Card2 Maya.png Card2 Timun.png Card2 Yong Yong.png