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(Tips, Tricks, and other Shits) -- Kellin

This page serves as a convenient location for players of little to moderate experience to look up terms related to Smash Legends and the FGC as a whole. It is also a place to track known Bugs and other issues with the game.


Guide to TTS Symbols
Symbol Definition Example
GAC Means Grounded Attack Chain, or the full sequence of attacks a character performs upon repeatedly pressing the attack button while on the ground. Peter's GAC has a total of 3 attacks, but hits 4 times.
AAC Means Aerial Attack Chain, or the full sequence of attacks a character performs upon repeated pressing the attack button while on the ground. m Most characters will only have a single aerial attack. Kurenai's AAC is among the longest, having a grand total of three individual actions.
-n Where n is some number, means the nth attack of an attack or skill. G-1 refers to the attack performed when hitting the attack button while on the ground for the first time, while G-2 refers to the attack performed when hitting the attack button while on the ground for the second time.
G- Refers to an attack performed as part of a character's GAC. The number following the G refers to precisely which attack. The last attack of a GAC, usually G-3 or G-4, does the most knockback.
A- Refers to an attack performed as part of a character's AAC. The number following the A refers to precisely which attack. Kaiser's AAC has two inputs, A-1 and A-2, for some reason.
-Skill- Refers to an attack performed by using a character's Skill. Can be preceded by either an 'A' or 'G' to show Aerial and Grounded variations, or followed by a number to specify which step of a multi-step skill. Red's A-Skill and G-Skill do the same amount of damage, but her A-Skill sends the opponent at more of an upward angle.
Ult A shortened way to speak of a character's ultimate attack. Jack O's Ult is a powerful AOE attack.
=> Means that the attack to the left of the arrow has a True Combo into the attack to the right Cindy's G-Skill -> jump + A-1 -> A-Skill is a True Combo
-> Means that the attack to the left of the arrow has a Pseudo-Combo into the attack to the right Red's G-3 => Ult + G-1 is a popular Pseudo Combo.
!> Means that the attack to the left of the arrow has a Not-Combo into the attack to the right Molly's G-2 !> G-1 is a Not-Combo
+ Means that the actions of the left and right of the symbol need to be performed in conjunction with each other. Jump + A-1 and Red's Ult + G-1
Fighting Game Lingo
Term Definition Miscellaneous
Advantage State A situation where a player or team are in a significantly better position than the opposing player or team, usually due to a severe imbalance in stage control. If one player is in a situation where they are able to keep another player from getting safely back onto stage, we would say the player is in an Advantage State.
Disadvantage State A situation where a player or team are in a significantly worse position than the opposing player or team, usually due to a severe imbalance in stage control. If a team is unable to seize control of a capture point due to the capabilities of the opposing team, we would say that team is in a Disadvantage State.
Neutral State A situation where a player or team is at neither a positional advantage nor a disadvantage compared to the opposing player or team. The beginning of a match, where the players have all just spawned in, is often referred to as a Neutral State.
Stage Control Refers to how much control a player or team has over the stage. May regard a specific, important portion of the stage, or else the entire stage as a whole. Brick is able to gain a lot of Stage Control through the use of his grounded skill.
Buffering Buffering is a method by which the game remembers a few frames of the player's last couple of inputs, thus creating a virtual "queue" of inputs that the character should perform next. This is a common way for online games to try and diminish the negative effects of playing in an environment with a lot of lag. One famous game that doesn't use buffering is Super Smash Bros, Melee.
Zero-to-Death A Zero-to-Death is a scenario where one player is able to bring an opponent from full health down to zero without suffering any damage themselves. A Zero-to-Death combo is a combo which accomplishes this. Some common Zero-to-Death combos are Ravi's G-Skill -> GAC1-2 -> Ultimate, which will kill if the opponent is sent off the ledge by the last hit of his Ultimate, or Kurenai's A-Skill -> A1-2 => Ult -> A1-3, which will often kill opponent's off the top.
Matchup A matchup refers to how any two characters are likely to fare in a head-to-head confrontation. If one character is more likely to win the confrontation, they are said to have a good matchup, while the character that's more likely to lose is said to have a bad matchup. Kaiser vs Master Cat is a famously bad matchup for Kaiser, due to Master Cat's fast moves and harsh punish game.
True Combo A True Combo refers to a combination of attacks which is impossible to escape due to the attacked character being permanently in Hitstun. A True Combo in Smash Legends refers to a combination of attacks which is impossible to escape without the usage of the TurnOver.pngTurn Over Spell.True Combos are actually quite rare in Smash Legends, with most seemingly true combos being only Pseudo-Combos or only true up to a certain point. Most GACs are true combos, though there are some exceptions (though those are likely a design flaw)
Hitbox An attack's Hitbox refers to the area generated by an attack which deals damage and knockback if it intersects with an opposing enemy's Hurtbox. The Hitboxes of Hook's attacks are clearly defined by where her bullets are.
Hurtbox A character's Hurtbox refers to the part of their body which, if struck by an active Hitbox, will cause them to take damage and knockback. Bigger characters, such as Don Quixote, Kaiser, and Maya have very large Hurtboxes, while smaller characters such as Ducky, Parfait, and Brick have smaller Hurtboxes.
Collision Box An object's Collision Box is the area around them which can "touch" or interact with other objects and the surrounding environment. Characters in Smash Legends do not have Collision Boxes that can interact with each other, allowing them to walk very near or else through other players without effecting them in any way.
Disjoint A Disjoint refers to a Hitbox which isn't also a Hurtbox, and thus can't be hit by another Hitbox. Characters that use external weapons, such as Aoi, Peter, and Master Cat all have very good Disjoints, whereas characters that use their fists and feet, such as Cindy, Kaiser, and Molly often have very poor Disjoints.
Trade A Trade refers to a moment where two opposing characters are able to hit each other at the same time, thus both taking damage and knockback. If two Kaiser's decide to attack each other with their G-Skill's at the same time, they're likely to trade.
Punish Taking advantage of a character's helpless state, often following a whiff or elsewise missed attack, to inflict damage and potentially seize the advantage. Master Cat's Capability for Punishment is one of the most potent in the game, often leading to a full zero-to-death combo.
Whiff A character completely fails an attack, often leaving them open to being Punished Master Cat Tries to land with his A-Skill and misses completely. What a whiff.
Hitstun The amount of time a character is stunned upon being hit by an attack. The Ignition.pngIgnition spell has very high Hitstun, while Loren and Vex's A-1 has very little Hitstun.
Hitlag The amount of time a character is stunned upon hitting an enemy with an attack. Hitlag is especially high if an attack kills an enemy, freezing the attacking character for a substantial amount of time.
Endlag The amount of time a character is unable to react after using an attack. Master Cat's A-Skill has a lot of Endlag, and is incredibly susceptible to punish if missed.
Hitbox Extension A phenomenon that occurs where an attack's Hitbox is temporarily frozen in place while hitting an enemy, allowing it to strike other enemies in the same animation frame. Hitbox Extensions Are seen most often when multiple characters are using StatusSuper Armor.pngSuper-Armor moves, usually ults, all at once.
Lingering Similar to Hitbox Extensions, Lingering refers to a moment when an attack's hitbox stays out for a moment longer after the animation has completed. The backswing of Peter's G-Ability has a Lingering Hitbox.
Spike A Spiking attack is an attack which sends hit enemies at a downwards angle, often making it difficult to recover. Many characters have a Spiking attack as either an Aerial Attack or Aerial Skill. Examples include Ravi's A-1, Goldie's A-1, and Brick's A-1.
Stalling Stalling refers to the act of actively trying to run down a game clock, or else reach a time limit in some way or another. This is usually performed by players who have an advantage over their opponent when there is little time left in a match. In Smash Legends, stalling is often seen in Duels when one player has a health advantage over the other and the game clock has almost reached zero.
Baiting To try and Bait someone is to attempt to tempt them into using an aggressive option, or else tempt them into using a powerful resource at an inopportune moment, often leaving them open for a Punish. A common strategy against Javert is to attempt to Bait out his skill by drawing close to him before quickly drawing away, exhausting him of a powerful aggressive option.
Recovery Especially in games that have a stage floating over a lower killzone, Recovery refers to the act of trying to return to stage after being knocked off. One character in Smash Legends known to have a particularly good recovery is Kurenai, who can achieve incredible vertical distance by using AAC -> Ultimate -> AAC. In contrast, Maya is known to have a particularly poor recovery.
Edge-Guarding Edge-Guarding' refers to the active act of preventing an enemy from making it back to stage after being sent off, oftentimes by actively going out to interfere with their Recovery attempt. Brick Is particularly good at Edge-guarding, due to how his walls are capable of extending well past the ledge if summoned while standing close to the ledge.
Jank Jank is a term that refers to an aspect or multiple aspects of a system that often don't work properly or else work in a way contrary to what is expected. The ledges in Smash Legends are particularly Janky, and make up for one of the game's more well-known bugs.
Cheese Cheesing in games refers to using a strategy that, while not necessarily breaking the rules or cheating in any way, is nonetheless probably the wrong way to do it. In Smash Legends, Cheesing is commonly performed by using methods to defeat an opponent without having to deplete all of their health first. Examples include the use of powerful spikes, such as that provided by Loren and Vex's grounded skill.
Smash Legends Lingo
Term Definition Miscellaneous
Active Area Refers to the area of a stage which a player or team most wants to control. This is often the part of the stage where most of the action happens. In Touchdown and Dominion modes, the Active Area is the area around the Cart and Capture Zone, respectively.
Pseudo-Combo A Pseudo-Combo refers to a combination of attacks which is difficult to escape due to the attacked character being in Hitstun for most of the combination. They can be escaped through instantaneous attacks, such as the TurnOver.pngTurn Over Spell, most Ultimate Attacks, or else certain skills such as the second cast of Ali's skill. Common Pseudo-Combos include Ali's G-Skill-1 -> G-Skill-2 => GAC and Master Cat's G-Skill -> A-Attack => A-Skill.
Blowback Not to be confused by Knockback, blowback refers to a moment where a character is moved (often backwards) by the ending animation of their own attack. Both Zeppetta's Ultimate + Skill and Victor's Ultimate have a substantial amount of Blowback
Counter-Punish Refers to a moment where a character's move is punished by an enemy, despite having just hit that enemy. This is usually due to a combination of low knockback, low Hitstun, and high Endlag. Timun's A-Skill is absurdly easy to counter punish if landed on a Grounded enemy.
True Hitstun True Hitstun Refers to the state where a character is truly unable to move, even with the TurnOver.pngTurn Over Spell, due to them being stuck in the frozen animation that occurs when they are hit with an attack. Examples of True Hitstun can be found when a character is hit by an attack with several fast multi-hits, such as Jack O's Ultimate or Kurenai's Ultimate.
Armor Lock A character in StatusSuper Armor.pngSuper-Armor cannot be interrupted, but can be frozen momentarily when hit by an attack. Multi-hit Attacks can lock enemies in this state. Jack O's ult is notorious for being a powerful Armor-Locking move.
Bounce If a character is sent into terrain with enough force, they will Bounce, causing them to take extra Endlag. Loren and Vex's A-1 usually has very little Endlag, but will often cause the hit enemy to bounce.
Stagger Staggering occurs when a character is hit into a piece of terrain without bouncing or being knocked down. Instead, the character is momentarily stunned. Many A-Attacks will Stagger enemies at high HP, which allows for combos such as Jack O's A-Attack -> Ultimate and Red's A-Attack -> GAC.
AKO AKO, otherwise known as "Attack-Knockback Override," refers to how a character's launch trajectory from being hit by an attack can be overriden by another attack. Snow's G-Skill => Ult + GAC is a famous example of a combo made easier by AKO.
H-Jumping Also known as Haphazard Jumping, refers to the way players will occasionally try to jump after being hit by an attack, even if it leaves them in an disadvantageous position. H-Jumping is what causes many Not-Combos to work, most notably Molly's G-Skill !> jump + A-Skill, and Ali's Skill-1 + Skill-2 !> jump + A-Attack.
Knocked Down If a character is hit to the ground with too little force, they will be Knocked Down instead of Bouncing. Many Spiking Attacks, such as Red's A-1, Javert's A-2, and Aoi's A-1 will often knock enemies down.
Lava-Walling An extension of Edge-Guarding, Lava-Walling is a term used to refer to active preventing an enemy from climbing out of the lava zone in the Rapunzel's Broken Tower map of the Duels gamemode. Trying to get around an enemy's Lava-Walling is often much harder than trying to get past an Edge-Guard, due to the limited space and lack of ledges to grab.
Named Mechanics
Mechanic Applicable Characters Desc.
Sliding Ultimates Much of the playable cast, including Master Cat, Parfait, Goldie, Brick, and Ravi Certain Legends can maintain some of the momentum from a movement option if they cast their Ultimate in the middle of the animation, causing them to slide slightly in a direction while casting the ultimate.
Common Combos
Character Combo Name Combo Formula Miscellaneous
KurenaiIcon Kurenai.png Stairway to Heaven ACK(1-2) -> Ultimate -> ACK
Icon Kurenai.png Stairway to Heaven (with A-Skill) A-Skill -> ACK(1-2) -> Ultimate -> ACK
Icon Kurenai.png Basic Ground Combo GAC(1-2) -> Ultimate -> GAC
Icon Kurenai.png Basic Ground Spiking Combo GAC(1-2) -> Ultimate -> G-Skill
Jack O'Icon Jack O'.png Basic Ground Combo (with Skill) G-1 -> Ultimate -> G-Skill
Icon Jack O'.png Basic Ground Combo (with GAC) G-1 -> Ultimate -> GAC
Icon Jack O'.png Stagger Ground Combo (with Skill) A-1 -> Ultimate -> G-Skill Enemy must be high HP
Icon Jack O'.png Stagger Ground Combo (with GAC) A-1 -> Ultimate -> GAC Enemy must be high HP
Icon Jack O'.png Bounce Air Combo A-1 -> Ultimate -> A-Skill Enemy must be ~80% HP or less
Icon Jack O'.png Ultimate Spike ... -> Ultimate -> A-1
Icon Jack O'.png Armor Locking Combo Ultimate -> G-Skill -> Ultimate -> G-Skill -> Ultimate Enemy must have uninterruptible StatusSuper Armor.png Super Armor
RedIcon Red.png Shadow Chaining GAC(1-3) -> Ultimate -> GAC
Icon Red.png Stagger Ground Combo A-1 -> GAC Enemy must be high HP
Icon Red.png Air Spike A-Skill -> Jump + A-1
Icon Red.png Bounce Double Spike A-1 -> Ultimate + A-1 Enemy must be ~80% HP or less
JavertIcon Javert.png Basic Ground Combo Skill(1-2) -> GAC Enemy must be on the ground after Skill hit
Icon Javert.png Basic Air Combo Skil(1-2) -> ACK Enemy must be in the air after Skill hit
Icon Javert.png Extended Skill Combo Skill-1 -> GAC -> Skill-2 -> ACK
Icon Javert.png Ground Ultimate Combo Ultimate-1 -> GAC(1-2) -> Ultimate 2
Icon Javert.png Air Ultimate Combo Ultiamte-1 -> ACK -> Ultimate 2
Icon Javert.png Skill Ultimate Combo Ultimate-1 -> Skill(1-2) -> Ultimate 2
CindyIcon Cindy.png Cindy's BnB G-Skill -> jump + A-1 -> A-Skill
Icon Cindy.png Cindy's BnB -1 G-Skill -> jump + A-Skill
WolfgangIcon Wolfgang.png Wolfgang's BNB G-Skill -> GAC (1-3) -> Ultimate
Icon Wolfgang.png Bounce Ultimate A-Skill -> Ultimate
AliceIcon Alice.png Optimal Alice Punish Ultimate -> G-Skill -> A-1 -> ACK
VictorIcon Victor.png Victor's Infinite Bounce G-Skill -> G-Skill -> G-Skill Extremely Difficult
Icon Victor.png Basic Victor Combo G-Skill -> GAC
Icon Victor.png Victor Ultimate Combo G-Skill -> Ultimate
GumiIcon Gumi.png Gumi ground BnB GAC -> Ultimate GAC must be close or interrupt second shot
Icon Gumi.png Gumi ground skill combo G-Skill -> Ultimate G-Skill Must be close
Icon Gumi.png Gumi Aerial Combo A-1 -> Ultimate
Icon Gumi.png Gumi A-Skill Combo A-Skill -> Ultimate
WukongIcon Wukong.png Wukong BnB G-Skill -> A-1
Icon Wukong.png Wukong Aerial Ultimate Confirm A-1 -> Ultimate
Icon Wukong.png Wukong Ground Ultimate Confirm G-1 -> Ultimate Must cancel G-1 early.
Icon Wukong.png Wukong Optimal Punish G-1 -> jump + A-1 -> Ultimate
Icon Wukong.png Wukong Basic Ultimate Combo G-Skill -> jump + ultimate
Master CatIcon Master Cat.png Landing Aerial Chain A-1 -> G-1

The "Shits"
Character Miscellaneous
MarinaIcon Marina.png Marina has the shortest jump in the game, likely a reference to the results of her experimentation by U.M.B.R.A. in the game's lore.
Don QuixoteIcon Don Quixote.png The StatusSuper Armor.pngSuper-Armor of Don Quixote's ultimate triggers before the active reflective hitbox, meaning he can still be attacked without penalty for a couple of frames after activating his ultimate.
MollyIcon Molly.png While the hitbox of Molly's ultimate triggers almost instantaneously upon activating her ultimate, her invulnerability doesn't follow until a short while (maybe only a couple of frames) later. This allows her to take the damage from an enemy's attack while still shooting the counter from her hitbox.
AliIcon Ali.png Upon recasting his skill to teleport to his dagger, his hitbox appears prior to the ensuing hitbox. This means he can be interrupted, so long as there is an active hitbox on the dagger at the time.
JavertIcon Javert.png Javert's recast of his skill doesn't grant invulnerability, meaning he can and will be knocked out of the attack by active hitboxes.
PeterIcon Peter.png The hitboxes on Peter's ultimate, rather than being a massive circle that encapsulates the entire area, only follows a certain part of his blade. This means that enemies can escape his ultimate if another enemy triggers hitlag, especially if they are killed.
Bug Description Miscellaneous
The "Walkoff" Many characters, most notably Javert, would occasionally just casually walk helplessly off the ledge without grabbing it if they were stuck in the middle of a ground-attack animation. This was supposedly fixed in a recent update, but it is still known to occur from time to time.
Ghost Hitting Ghost Hitting refers to how a move will occasionally appear to connect, and the attacking character will behave as if it had, but the hit character will take neither knockback nor damage. This is incredibly difficult to see on most characters, simply because they don't have any unique animation for landing an attack. This phenomenon is easiest to see with Cindy's aerial skill, as it will cause her to leap back as if it connected.
Random Bans For a brief period of time, players would occasionally suffer a random 72-hour ban, either as a result of a bug, glitch, or exploit in the game's report system. Banned notices would give neither a good reason for banning, nor a legitimate ban duration time, only giving out a time frame from then to then. This was fixed, with the developers apologizing and offering compensation for the unjust denial of service.
Turnover Double-Death If a player uses the TurnOver.png"Turnover" spell as they're falling into the lower Death Zone, the game will count them as having died twice, adding 2 points rather than one to the enemy team or player's score. The timing on this occurrence is actually incredibly strict, and as such the phenomenon is extremely rare.